Hathor, Goddess of Egypt
In the host of gods of ancient Egypt, one of the most important places is occupied by Hathor - the goddess of love, the wife of Horus. Hathor, one of the most revered inhabitants of the celestial spheres, was originally considered the daughter of the god Ra. Then her family ties were somewhat corrected by the Egyptians: she began to play the role of the powerful wife of Ra.
The goddess of fertility and feminine beauty, Hathor performed another important function - she watched the movement of the sun in the sky.
I was inspired by the film "Gods of Egypt" for this project. For the role of the goddess Hathor, I just had a suitable model, very similar to the actress from the movie.
The preparation took several months. The costume of the goddess was made to order by a designer from Belarus. The filming itself took place in the Moscow region on sand pits.
The makeup artist worked right on the rocks under the scorching sun and we covered her and the model with an umbrella.
The work took part in the Moscow A&F Biennale 2021.